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Bringing Nature Back to Humanity

Profile Testing

The Rule of 3

When I hear something 3 times it triggers something within . . .

Roger_and_Sandy_2015My story of how Wealth Dynamics opened my heart totally, enabling my dreams to filter out into the world and attract what I needed  – When I hear something 3 times, it triggers something within me to move and take action.

On receiving 3 emails in regard to Fast Forward your Business in March 2013 with Roger Hamilton I decided it was a good thing to go along to…  I had a free ticket and a fabulous day and decided to come back and see Roger the following day…  I was offered a place in Crystal Circle’s Mentoring program and within 10 mins decided that this was my next step… No clue as to how I was going to pay for it, I just stepped into the unknown.

Within 6 months, I again had 3 emails and I met Darren Stephens at ‘How to Write a Best Seller’ weekend – believing I would start this project in a year or two.  Well, again I was offered a place immediately as my topics were destined to be great sellers and having no idea how I would raise the funds, I again trusted and stepped into the unknown; funds became available and I began writing my first book which is about to be published.

I heard about iLab and told my son I would love to go in 2014.  Lo and behold I have just attended the 10th iLab in Bali. Wealth Dynamics has been the catalyst in my final breakthrough to bring my visions into fruition.  The journey I have been on for the last 15 months cannot be likened to anything but phenomenal. 

Click Play to watch Roger explain what wealth dynamics is and also see below for some interesting facts from Wealth Dynamics and how knowing your profile gets you in flow with abundance.

See more information here at Wealth Dynamics Central > Find Your Flow as an Entrepreneur

Find out more about the Wealth Dynamics Profile Test

Talent Dynamics

How to Write a Best Seller

Darren Stephens

I first met Darren Stephens in 2012 at “How to Write a Bestseller”.  It was 6 months into my new found journey of bringing my work out into the world.  I received 3 invitations from different sources, which is my usual cue to attend what has been offered to me. 
It was so much more than I expected.  The 3 day workshop was whole in it’s presentation, content and ongoing support for writing my series of books.  The first of 5 which has just been sent to the Publishers.  Yes, it took me a year… but listen to this.   
I went along thinking I would write the books, that were taking up much space in my mind, in a few years time.  This was just a look-see and begin to find out what’s available…
Right from the start Jackie and Darren loved my concept and encouraged me to explore and unpack more of what I would love to share over the next 2 days of an absolutely fabulous mind-blowing of possibilities workshop I had attended for a very long time.  Packed with so much information to not only bring my books to life but to create a lifestyle change I had been hankering after for many a year.
By the end of the weekend, I really got that the time was NOW, I had to write and share what I knew. The burning desire was becoming too much to contain….  Ahhhhhggg…. 
I have to say, that the 11 months have been like giving birth.  Writing and growing, re-writing and growing, writing and growing, until finally with much gusto everything came together.  The support of Darren and the staff at Global Publishing are second to none.  They are always available, with a welcoming voice, on the end of the phone in the office, so valuable for when you begin to doubt, don’t know what to do next or just plain and simply stop for a while.  They give you a nudge and a wink and have no-end of suggestions as to the next step to take, to keep up the momentum to continue and finally complete the journey of becoming an Author.
Oh, An Author, OMG!
During this journey, there are fellow budding Authors to connect with.  It’s heart-warming to be able to call, email or even face book someone in the wee hours, to let them know you’re up and writing or maybe thinking too much or stuck, and chances are they’re doing the same thing.  
And of course, it doesn’t stop there, the ongoing support to market in so many ways is there for after the birthing…
Do you have a book in you?  Perhaps it’s already half-written.  Darren and the team can make your dream come true.  
Come along and have a look-see, you just never know.  I’d love to see you there…
Darren Stephens and Sandy Simmons

Simply Better Health is a Proud Life Member of Buy1Give1 - Business For Good

Buy1GIVE1 - Transaction Based Giving

Buy One Give One

A simple idea sharing the joy of giving − every second, every day and in every way

Here at Simply Better Health we have always believed in putting making a difference right at the heart of what we do.
And now, through B1G1: Business for Good, we have found a wonderful way to do that. It simply means this:
Every time you deal with us, something great gets done — it could be children getting access to water or trees getting planted or even goats going to families to give them a sustainable income.
Being a part of B1G1: Business for Good ( lets us do all of that and much more. It’s so good, we recommend it to everyone we can. We think it’s a great way of creating a happier world.
You can see more about the impact we’re creating by checking out our B1G1 ‘Our Giving Impact Widget’ which tracks our giving in real time to see the impact of our giving flowing around the world.
We believe strongly that businesses have the power to make a positive impact on our world. 
Together with our customers and suppliers, we make sure that’s happening, every second, every day and in every way. 
  • JOIN ME AT B1G1Core Purpose is to create a world that's full of giving by unleashing the power of small
  • B1G1'S WHY - Why Give? - The Joy of Giving
    Giving puts the 'WHY' back into your business

Here is a great blog post by Paul Dunn and an interview he did with Simon Sinek a inspiration for B1G1.

READ MORE about B1G1 here and if you want to join USE MY SPECIAL CODE - GIVING101 - during registration to claim your free gift and we can work together to GIVE more.

Quotes of Simon - go view his insights here.

  • “The goal is not to do hire people who need a job; 
it’s to hire people who believe what you believe.”
  • “When we communicate from the outside in: people can understand vast amounts of information, but it doesn’t drive decision-making.”
  • “When you talk about what you believe then you will 
attract those who believe what you believe.”
  • “People don’t buy what you do; they buy WHY you do what you do.”
  • “People don’t buy what you do; they buy what you stand for.”

Simon Sinek - the optimist

Simply Better Mums

We want to share this exciting news with you!

There is something wonderful going on at the moment, and we call this The Mums Movement. We are seeing great changes in woman’s leadership around the world and the biggest thing women are looking to take ownership of is their own lives.  So much so, women are identifying with being the change makers who can make a difference, whilst being guardians for the next generation.  

We will be posting regular updates so be sure to register your interest.

Simply Better Health

... was born after realising that contamination was rife in our food chain, as many in the community were struggling to nourish themselves, especially after an illness.  At Simply Better  we believe that we have a self-responsibility to both ourselves and our environment to collectively and consciously create a new way forward to nurture our planet for future generations. 

Vision Statement
Simply Better Health gathers the conscious collective to create simply better ways forward.

Vision Support Statement
We understand through our own health challenges, which have been catalysts to study and dive deeply into Naturopathic-Nutrition whilst combining Biological Medicine.  We've overcome much thrown our way without any band-aids.    We have been gifted Inspirit Energetics for the body and Natural Success is part of the mix to free the mind.  We're here to share these with you, to support you on your journey.


Mission Statement
Simply Better Health's mission is to shine the restorative light of global health for the next generation and beyond.

Mission Support Statement
Simply Better Health is a world-leader in their field, sharing expansive experience alongside ancient wisdom, encouraging humanity to ride the waves of diversity, creating vitality within and without our ever-changing life on earth.  We do this through the catalysts of education, self-responsible action,environmental preservation and innovative strategies.


Each time you book and pay for a consultation you contribute to clean life-saving water to chidren around the world.

We believe that everyONE is born with the capacity to renourish and regenerate their health to regain the freedom to live their highest potential and purpose!

We inspire and educate you to lead an extraordinary VITAL LIFE NOW on planet earth... 

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In service to humanity at both ends of life for over 30 years... from preconception through to lactation... to those towards the end of life... tailored for your special needs.

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” Mark Twain


Moving Beyond Humanity’s Status Quo…