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Bringing Nature Back to Humanity



Would you like to?

Clear your mind and clean your body
Strengthen your immune system
Do what you love

Natural Fertility

Do you know?

What’s working and what’s not
When you are clear and balanced
How to get into your flow 


What is breast milk?

The continuum of the umbilical cord
The foundation of immune systems
A gift for vital life and longevity


Find out about?

What’s going on
What you would love
Creating bridges

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” Mark Twain

Moving Beyond Humanity’s Status Quo…


What People have to say about the wonderful results of working with Sandy and Simply Better Health

What Happens?

I know you want to know what happens...

Firstly though, allow me to welcome you to our family. I say that, because it’s truly the way I feel. From your very first interaction with me, I want you to feel how valued and important you are. From the moment you choose me to provide for your needs, you become like one of my family. And I'm so glad to have you on board!

Simply Better and I have three basic philosophies to support you on your life journey:

  • You deserve our utmost attention in fulfilling your needs
  • Every interaction with us should leave you smiling
  • Our passion is contagious enough to infuse you to do what you love
I look forward to working with you to achieve your highest potential in mind, body and spirit, so that your soul is free to express the purpose you came to fulfil. 
Yours in health and happiness
Sandy B.


How do we connect?

From 'almost' the bottom of Australia, we reach upward and outward to wherever you may be in the world. 

Consultations and sessions are mainly via Zoom, unless you happen to live around the corner and you can visit my clinic at home.

We have been known to resort to email, text and even WhatsApp or FaceTime when the internet is having a hiccup.

No matter what happens we are always right alongside you, supporting you on every level of your health journey.


What happens in Simply Better consultations?


  • Find out more about us
  • Briefly discuss your issue
  • Are we a fit to work together?
  • What next?



Allow up to 90 mins to discuss - 

  • Current health issue
  • Receive a brief summary of consultation
  • Find out your next steps

Let's start at the beginning and find out how you've got to where you are, what is happening right now and where you would like to be. 
Receive an email with a brief summary with your next steps.

 NB A first consultation may be booked as a one-off appointment, for a health assessment or as a gift.



2 Consultations - First consultation 90 mins / second consultation 60 mins           

  • First Consultation - allow up to 90 mins to discuss your history and current health issues
  • Or an extra 30mins consultation for additional information when upgrading to First Consultation Plus
  • Complete health appraisal direct to your inbox within 7 days
  • Find out your next steps 

Let's start at the beginning and find out how you've got to where you are, what is happening right now and where you would like to be.
A second consultation will discuss your complete health appraisal with an analysis and criteria to bring together a program suited for your needs.


Work one-on-one with me for the next 12 weeks…


  • Tailored program 
  • Access to personalised google folder / files
  • Follow-up weekly consults on zoom 
  • Text available for urgent Qs
  • FREE resources
  • Recipe Gift Pack

So now it's time to be real and take action.  Here I hold you accountable for taking your steps on a weekly basis.  We create and adjust as we move through the 90 days towards your healthy end results. You will have access to all our free resources and recipe packs, along with a reduction in fees for any courses you attend or books you purchase.  Bearing in mind that money raised from our recipe packs and books are gifted to water projects through our business partner B1G1, 


Your first consultation  is a gathering of data.  You can expect a comprehensive exploration of your current and past state of health and lifestyle coupled with nutritional aspects.  Please bring along or email as much information, recent test results and all medications and / or natural remedies that you are already ingesting asap (preferably before this consultation).  Our time together will culminate with a discussion in regard to the avenues that would best suit your road to well-ness, with a mutual agreement to move forward with a program, to achieve your end results.   

Your second consultation, usually seven days after your first consultation, will allow a comprehensive explanation of your health appraisal, where pertinent research has been incorporated. There will be time for further discussion of your involvement required, with time for questions and clarification. An achievable program will be recommended for you to put into practice to restore optimum well-ness.

Your Individualised program/s are composed especially for you.  This is your map, your road to well-ness. Adjustments will be made along the way, during your time working with me.

Your follow-up consultations are the opportunity for you to discuss your progress, your achievements and mutual adjustments, whilst receiving whatever is required from ‘Sandy B’s bag of tools’ to further enhance your end results. 


How often and how many consultations will be required? 

How long is a piece of string? This is dependent on the complexity of your presenting issues, compliance, feedback and the continuing flow of communication. This will enable me to assist you with providing continued mentoring and guidance on your road to wellness.  Please allow at least 90 days to set changes in motion that you choose.
 NB Remedies and additional therapies will be recommended as and when required.  These will attract additional costs.  Remember, there is always room for negotiation! 

Inspirit Energetics & Breathwork - Body - Spirit

Individual sessions will be held after a first consultation.  I will medically intuit and discuss with you.

I will be asking you to book session/s as the end of the day.  You will need to rest and not rush off anywhere after each session  - preferably head to bed. 

The energy will be transferred much better if you have a shower beforehand, wear a robe whilst we work and change into fresh clothes / PJs when we are complete.

Inspirit energetics clean, clear and remove unwanted energy, then filling the space with new clean, clear energy and finally sealing the energetic layer.  Integration takes 12-24 hours.

I have worked successfully over Zoom with this for a number of years now.

Q&A is always welcome. 



Encompassed in the trilogy package to bring you back to you.  



Natural Success - Mind - Spirit

One-off Special time for you (support session), will give you a start in a new direction.

"I am really stuck on a decision or a question and I need some guidance" or "the same things keeps coming back - HELP"!
Find out where you are, where you want to go and formulate your choices to take you there.
It is recommended at least 90-120 days or more of weekly/fortnightly sessions to concretise choices and move towards a different way of being.
You will be empowered and held to take the action steps you've chosen towards your greatness choices, to be all that you can be at this exciting time of planet earth’s life…  There is ongoing support as often as you require!
 Work 1:1 with me 
  • An hour per week 1:1 for the first 60 days to set up powerful choices
  • Accountability to keep you focused on your choices
  • Support while you learn to live with tension
  • Work on specific choices to build momentum
  • Celebration & acknowledgement of successes

  • An hour per fortnight 1:1 from 60 days on
  • Update and development of more choices as you grow
  • Learn advanced techniques to use your Superconscious daily
  • Learn to deal with thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs more effectively
  • SOS service for when you are in a crisis and neew to refocus urgently

There's no better time to start than NOW!


Encompassed in the trilogy package to bring you back to you.  




List of Services

See below for details on individual service descriptions

When booking in using the online booking form. You select the time required ie first appointment is 90 min consult. As we have already had your FREE Wednesday initial chat the required forms will be made available to you.

Once you have made your booking, you can login and check your details, update your information and access your questionaire.

We look forward to assisting you towards Better Health - Simply -


Convenient Book Online Calendar Availability & Payment using Paypal / Credit Card

What We Do

Naturopathic-Nutrition with Sandy B.

I've explored Nutrition to the nth degree.  Although I studied herbs and homoeopathy, I always come back to basics; to Nutrition.  

Nutrition takes in all aspects of life, not just what you eat.  It encompasses the environment you live and work in, the demeanour of both yourself and those around you, the stories you've made up about how the world is and how you have to be.  The colours you wear, to expressing your passion and purpose, are all small parts of the sum total of who you have become.  

Moving forward with a new mindset will help restore your health enabling you to move past the dis-eased obstacles that keep you out of flow.

How do I know this?  I've experienced first hand many ailments myself coupled with a plethora of dis-ease states with clients over 30 years.  It's a human right to have access to information along with the support you need to grow through the obstacles and be free.

How do we do this?  It could be tweaking your nutrition to a complete overhaul of self.  It's un-learning what you think is ok and learning what works for you. 

Water therapies you can do at home and know when to bring them out to help yourself.  Therapeutic fasting is one of those tools that once understood, is a crucial element to well-ness. 

Herbs, vibrational remedies and other natural medicines are a support whilst moving through each obstacle.  And... yes, we need to move through issues to get to the other side and leave them behind.

Biological Medicine and Naturopathic-Nutrition are one in the same.  I trust the following will give you more insight into formally understanding my philosophy.

I look forward to chatting with you soon.


Sandy B. 

Free 20 minute Consultation


Biological Medicine

Biological Medicine begins with the premise that the body’s normal state is health. We find that the causes of dis-ease are multi-factorial and that no single remedy will restore health. We do know that the body’s power to heal can always be reawakened if the underlying causes of dis-ease are addressed and the body is given the support it needs to regenerate.

Biological Medicine focuses on discovering underlying sources of ill-ness so that a tailored treatment plan can restore the body to optimal health. At Simply Better Health we do more than simply alleviate symptoms, we look for the cause of those symptoms to resolve the underlying issue.

Biological medicine, is so called, because it uses the methods of life itself – it is "bio-logical." In the condition we call health, the body is in a constant conversation with the world around it, taking in nutrition, responding to threats of infection, growing and repairing and detoxifying, all happening moment by moment, in a rich symphony of life.

This complex balance is governed by the body’s regulatory mechanisms, and in Biological Medicine we view symptoms, degeneration and later actual dis-ease as stages of a gradual breakdown in these mechanisms. This breakdown occurs in predictable patterns depending on the unhealthy factors affecting the individual, their own unique genetic makeup, environment and personal history.

Using the regulatory function of the body as our central medical theory helps us connect dis-orders and dis-eases with their root causes. And fortunately, the process of breakdown of the regulatory mechanism is reversible, allowing us to move toward health at any time in our lives. Of course, Biological Medicine is not a fountain of youth. All of us will die eventually. But we can and should live happy, long and vital lives. Exactly what we all value, right?


The first principle of the art of healing, enunciated already by the Father of Medicine, Hippocrates, 'Primum est nil nocere' - the most important thing of all is that treatment must do no harm - is violated in present-day medical practice more than in any other period of medical history.

The biologically oriented practitioner is aware that chemical and antibiotic drugs will always cause damage to the body's biological environment, even though with such treatments a temporary effect can be achieved.  Therefore, such drugs are to be avoided to the utmost in the management of simple and harmless infections.  To treat a common cold or a sore throat with, for example, penicillin, is a crime against the fundamental rules of health.  Instead, attention is directed to increasing the body's own resistance with all the natural harmless, biological methods of treatment which are available.

We then have the joy of observing how the body, as a rule, if the general resistance is not too much lowered and if given a chance and proper aid in the form of rest, fasting, wholesome diet and other biological measures, will by the strength of its own healing power win the battle.

And... this is not only true in the cases of milder infections, but also in cases of very serious dis-eases.  Furthermore, and this is a very essential point - instead of coming out of the dis-ease weakened and debilitated, as is always the case after treatments with chemical drugs, the patient, after biological treatments, comes out strengthened and renewed.  

It is my observation that biological treatments raise the general resistance of patients and they will, as a rule, become more immune to infections in the future.

Dr Essen and Paavo O. Airola ND 1968

This was said 50 years ago... and so it will continue... until we get back to nature and taking self-responsibility for our own everyday health.

The cascade begins with you... others will do what you do when they see the results... 

I am but a guide...  it is up to you.

Causing ripple effects...

Inspirit Energetics

During March 2007, I was awoken at 5am for 10 straight mornings in a row.

Connecting into the Universal School of Energy, I have had downloads before and since, but nothing equates to this.  

An energy system was gifted to me - to own and acknowledge the wise use of the power of healing hands.

I was guided to hold the space and develop this system for a time in the future, when a new way forward for health became imminent.

That time is NOW!

Working with the Integumentary System, Blood Coagulation, Pancreas/Spleen, Digestive system, The Heart, Lymphatics, Bone and Marrow, much can be achieved to restore energy systems flow, by extracting blockages and redistributing energy. 

I look forward to sharing more with you soon.

Sandy B.


Natural Success

As Inspirit Energetics works on body and spirit, Natural Success work with mind and spirit.  

We all come from source, we were all born as creative beings... slowly life took over and we worked out how we had to be to survive; with family, friends, at school and work, in all environments we encounter.

Our survival stories took over our true essence, it receded into the background, our soul buried itself to stay safe.

It's time to understand the role you have had in shaping your own life.  Your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and perceptions are yours alone... where did they come from?

Exploring your past, your inner world and journeying to your creative space (the one you were born to express) will begin to give you a sense of who you really are.  

Your view of the world will be challenged.  Much of what you hear, after you realise your past is just that, will be familiar, a reminder of everything that is.  Your inner sense of joy ignited.

In innocence, just as a child is at play, we help you to access and build the true you.  To become aware of falling into the traps of the past.  To propel yourself forward to the end results of choices you make from your creative power.

We can work on one issue at a time, or you can leap into a program that will bring you back to you... if you're prepared to work for 90 days to switch from where you are into your real self... then it's time for us to connect.

I look forward to chatting soon.

Sandy B.


Trilogy - Naturopathic-Nutrition, Inspirit Energetics & Natural Success

Working with the mind, body and spirit on all levels will culminate in you becoming who you truly are, the authentic you!

Interested in this program?

Give me a call

Sandy B.


We bring nature back to you, nurture you back to you...

You are unique!

Everyone’s life journey is unique. Our personal hereditary and lifetime influences have contributed to who and what we have become. By understanding our progression of dis-ease, we can be empowered to make choices that have a profound beneficial impact upon our road to wellness.

The overall aim is to place the responsibility of well-ness with you, the individual. We combine accumulated skills to bring the very best of care to you. With education, receiving knowledge and learning about your own self, you will reconnect to who you truly are, creating a life of freedom and abundant health, giving you the choice to live an inspired life!


Who is this for?

From the beginning of life, in the 'tween years, especially during and after illness, those with special needs, and at the end of life.  We are there for YOU, all the way!


Will I benefit?

Absolutely! Whatever your current health issues, following the recommendations made will increase your sense of well-being. There is no ‘pill for all’ to provide an immediate cure as you are unique and your journey to optimum wellness will take both time and effort. We will walk alongside you for as long as required.